Thursday, May 28, 2009

Here's a late mothers day card "Love you mom!"

My Mom
By Devin Kruse

God has such a special plan in everyone’s life that our own human minds can’t even began to comprehend his awesomeness.

One of the amazing things God has allowed me to have in my life is my dear sweet and almost perfect mother. There isn’t even nearly enough time in the day to list some of the first rate things she has done.

Although as far as some of the most first rate things she has done… well... my mother has always disciplined me, always has home schooled me, and most importantly, God has allowed her to teach me about the great love and mercy of what his own son Jesus Christ accomplished for everyone.

One of the reasons she is so amazing is her choice to discipline me. Now you might be thinking: “how can Devin be happy that his mother disciplines him.” Now I’m not normally happy during a discipline. But afterwards I see that I was wrong and needed the punishment.

Another reason I love my mom is her choice to home school me. My mom is absolutely super in this subject. There are so many moms out there that simply send their kids to a public school where... well... teachers teach things according to their right of conscience, (And parents might strongly disagree, but are never notified by teacher or their kids of what was taught.) And awful things have happened to kids in spite of pressure from peers. So I thank her for teaching me, and taking her responsibility as a mom.

I also have a great pride in my mom for teaching me what Jesus Christ did on the cross. Mom has always taught my siblings and I growing up to obey and enjoy God forever, not just any God but the one true and living God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all in one. She has taught me, the only way we can have everlasting life, is by faith in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, the redeemer of mankind.

There are so many other people I admire, and would love to share about, but right now I’m glad to have spend my time sharing some of the amazing things my mother has educated me in.



Jodi Kruse said...

Thank you, Devin. You are a blessing to me. How gracious and loving God has been to give me a godly son like you. Your words blessed and encouraged me. Keep walking in the Lord and following His Word. He is going to continue to use you more and more each day you live for His glory and Kingdom,

Love you,


Anonymous said...

That was a good mothers day card, she sure is a good mother. Love your little sis,
