Monday, December 17, 2007

Playing with sound effects. God bless -Devin


Jodi Kruse said...

Cool, Devin. I can't wait to see what else you will do with what you are learning. Use your talents and the resources and technology God has given you for His glory. Love you,


Grandma of Many said...

Cute video of Jonathan. I agree with you mother. Love you, Grandma Dot

Kenny Anderson said...

Devin, that is so cool. I love how you are thinking of original things to post. Keep on entertaining us with your clever mind. First Rate!

Vickie said...

That was so sweet Devin and you are very creative....

Ginger said...

Yep...Devin you are destined to be a movie director. What with your moving man previously and now the special sound are going to make one GREAT show! And the Oscar goes to DEVIN! I can hear it now. Love you. Aunt Ginger